Longer keys provide better security and shorter keys provide better speed. In the Key Length box, type or select a key length.For the SSH2 protocol, more than one type of algorithm is supported. For the SSH1 protocol, only RSA algorithm is supported. In the Key Type list, select a proper key type.Click Generate button to open User Key Generation Wizard.On the Tools menu, click User Key Manager.
Also, the user should register his public key to the server for getting authenticated. In other words, private key works as an identification of a user. Private key is used in the public key authentication process to generate signature and the public key is used by the server to verify the signature. To use the public key user authentication method, a user generates a key pair consisting of a public key (which everybody is allowed to know) and a private key (which conceal from the rest). Xshell supports the Public key user authentication method which is an alternative way of identifying the user to the remote server instead of typing the password.